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Applications for a new Russian-speaking chat moderator!


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  • Community Manager

Hey, Stakers :)

We are looking for a Russian-speaking moderator, so if your knowledge of the Russian language is excellent and you are interested in this position, please answer the questions below:

  1. What is your Stake username?
  2. How much time on average do you spend on chat every day?
  3. Can you briefly explain what the job of a moderator is?
  4. Why do you want to become a moderator on this chat?
  5. Have you ever been warned, muted, or banned? 
  6. Have you ever been a moderator on any other platform?
  7. Are you prepared to work at nighttime?

You will be contacted through the Live Support chat if we choose you for this position :)

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Какое у вас имя пользователя Stake? - Sexmymane

Сколько времени в среднем вы тратите на чат каждый день? 12-18 часов я в чате.

Можете ли вы кратко объяснить, в чем заключается работа модератора? Следить за чатом, за оскорблениями, наводить порядок, разрешать спорные моменты, помогать по навигации сайта.

Почему вы хотите стать модератором этого чата? у меня много свободного времени, и я почти всё время нахожусь на сайте.

Вас когда-нибудь предупреждали, отключали или банили? Да было 2 раза по глупости.

Вы когда-нибудь были модератором на какой-либо другой платформе? Да я был модератором на двух других платформах, так же я работал в двух других казино оператором службы поддержки.

Готовы ли вы работать в ночное время? Да я готов работать почти 24/ 7

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Ready to work at any time, The moderator's job is to control chat rules and help users with questions yes there were blockages but nothing serious I want to become part of the steak family

I have a higher education, I work in a management position, I am able to direct people in the right direction, I have a good degree of stress resistance

I spend a lot of time chatting


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1. ILoLka


2. I mostly sit 12-14 hours


3. The moderator mainly monitors the chat to prevent insults to users, meaningless spam, and advertising.


4. Since I sit during nighttime and see that users have started to passively beg or advertise their socials when there are no moderators in the chat.


5. There was a case, but I will say from my side that there were no repeated violations, as I understood why I received mutes.


6. I mainly moderated a project on the Counter-Strike 1.6 server and on the forum for this project.

 7. im always dont sleep night 

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1. Mauzer

2. 25часов

3. Устранять беспредел и анархию в чате, устраивать свои беспорядки )

4. Потому-то не хочу что бы им стал Мукола123 и другие куриные мозги

5. Все мы не без греха («Пусть тот из вас, кто без греха, первым бросит в меня камень»)

6. Был модератором и организатором промоутером и главным вкладчиком  "МММ"

7. Круглые сутки и так работаю и днём и ночью  (дожди сами себя не заберут )

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1. KecuAkumaFH
2. more than 12 hours every day
3. moderator is representative of stake in chat between users, he can explain others different things like rules, promotions, forum stuff, he also looks for players to be not rude and not cheating in any way, so they can ban or mute if someone breaks the rules of stake
4. I am very empathetic person, I like not communicate with people, but communicate a lot - this is one of my main characters . And because of that I really love support work, I am feeling myself happy when people thank me If I could help them in any way. By my own nature i often like to answer people in chat just like that, it gives me joy.
I also had a lot of experience in online gambling (more than 7 years: slots, bets, poker), so apparently I'm  in my element there.
5. No.
6. I was moderator of casino streamer for 1 year for full-time.
7. Yes I like to work at nighttime.

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Сижу в чате частенько не согласен с модераторами считаю их действия не справедливыми я за справедливость готов сутками сидеть в чате следить за порядком банить нытиков и попрошаек  здесь нужно играть получать от этого удовольствие  готов стать модератором русского чата банили модераторы за спор с ними

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1. DtsM

2. I usually spent 24 hours a day every 7 days on chat, but when the rains started turning off, I gave up on both chat and steak

3. The moderator's job is to ban Pilotka

4. I want to ban people just like that

5. yes, several times, it was unpleasant

6.No, I'm unemployed

7.yes, I'm a vampire, and I live in new times

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2.Yes because my prime time is night
3.I've been chatting for 12+ hours every day for the past year
4.In order to ensure that there are no violations in the chat, as well as to help players solve their problems
5.Because the chat is really missing a night moderator and I would like to help stake with that
7.Yes on streaming platforms

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1. 12-18 Hours

2. Monitor the chat, insults, put things in order, resolve controversial issues, help navigate the site, as well as have conversations with other players of the site and always be aware of everything that happens on it.

3. I'm almost always at the computer and phone. I have enough free time and I'm almost always online in the chat.

4. Yes, at the very beginning of my game without knowing the chat rules.

5.Yes, I was a moderator for a Twitch streamer for 2 years. And for half a year I worked as a moderator on another site before this site.

6.Yes, of course, I can also work at night.

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1. RomaBeton

2. 10-16 hours

3. The moderator job is to keep chat clean, to help users as much as possible and immediately warn/mute violaters 

4. I am loyal Stake user and i want to help this site as much as i can. I see people break the rules quite often and not all the time they get their punishment fast enough. Also I would like to make more fun for community with trivia and rollhunts.

5. Yes

6. Only not gambling related

7. Yep

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1. What is your Stake username?  - RunnerUA

2. How much time can you spend on chat? - I spend 12+ hours  on stake

3. Can you briefly explain what the job of a moderator is?  - Support for the order of rules in the chat, help navigate the site, helping new players who must communicate within the rules. The moderator mainly monitors the chat to prevent insults to users, meaningless spam, and advertising.

4. Why do you want to become a moderator on this chat?  - I am for the purity and rights of chat. There should always be order in the chat. I really love support work, I am feeling myself happy when people thank me If I could help them in any way.

5. Have you ever been warned, muted, or banned?  - Yes, for a minor violation.(muted)

6. Have you ever been a moderator on any other platform? - Yes, I was a moderator of an online casino for.

7. Are you prepared to work at nighttime?  Yes I like to work at nighttime, at night there are most violations in the chat that require moderation.

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1. What is your Stake username? negwal777

2. How much time on average do you spend on chat every day? 14-16 hours.

3. Can you briefly explain what the job of a moderator is? Removing unwanted content. Cleaning the platform from spam, insults, illegal information and other content rules that violate the resource rules.
Communication with users, assistance to new and regular users.

4. Why do you want to become a moderator on this chat? I love communicating with players and helping them. I want to gain valuable experience.

5. Have you ever been warned, muted, or banned? was not a violator. I didn't break the rules on Stake.com

6. Have you ever been a moderator on any other platform? I was a moderator on the site iccup.com

7. Are you prepared to work at nighttime? I always ready.

My qualities: extensive experience playing in casinos, very well versed in cryptocurrencies, perfectly understand all the settings on the site, worked as a moderator, very positive and sociable with players.

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3.что бы в чате был порядок,нвши модераторы не всегда успевают,потому как людей очень много в чате

4,Для того чтобы в чате был порядок

5,да было дело отключли,но не блокировали



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Hello 😊

1. Jullifit 

2. 12-15 hours

3. Control of order in the chat

4. I've been here for 7 years, I'm very responsible, fair and diplomatic

5. Once, for a minor violation.

6. No, but I have experience working in a management position offline for 3 years, currently a housewife

7. Yes

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1. Мой логин на сайте: Llollitta888 

2. I spend as much time as it takes

3. A moderator is a person who keeps order in a group. He monitors the comments, communication, and downloads of the players. Anything that violates the rules is deleted, and users can be blacklisted. The moderator monitors chat messages and deletes those that violate the rules of conduct and rules. He keeps order.

4. I am very active, I like to keep order, and I am also ready to work 12-15 hours a day. I don't have a biased attitude towards anyone in the chat. I am for justice, not for clarifying the relationship between the players (that is, I do not have any friends and enemies on the site, so becoming a moderator, I will not take revenge on them)

5. Нет, ни разу 

6. Нет, не была, но надеюсь, что сейчас буду.

7. Да, готова, я уже много лет работаю только в ночное время.

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1) zah22
2) I don't count, but at least 10 hours
3) The job of moderation is to make the chat friendly and without begging
4) Well, nice guys are sitting in this chat
5) It was unfortunately, but lately without mutations and bans
6) No, I wasn't, but I talked to guys from other sites who were moderators and administrators.
7) If there is a hope, I will try)

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1 pilotka

2 10 часов

3 Следить за порядком, не допускать различных нарушений другими. саблюдение за чатом на предмет нарушений правил, конфликтных ситуаций или ошибок и разрешение таких проблем. Если что-то подобное происходит, разобраться.

4 помочь нашей модерации

5 да

6 да

7 я прывык пахать в ночною смену на заводе. не сложно будет в ночное время модерировать чат

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  1. What is your Stake username? - daxer123
  2. How much time on average do you spend on chat every day? - 12+ hours
  3. Can you briefly explain what the job of a moderator is? - moderate chat
  4. Why do you want to become a moderator on this chat? - I know how to maintain order and positive atmosphere in the chat, I have the desire to work and enough time
  5. Have you ever been warned, muted, or banned?  - yes, I was muted a couple of times
  6. Have you ever been a moderator on any other platform? - yes, I was a chat moderator in telegram channel
  7. Are you prepared to work at nighttime? - yes
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