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My 2nd Royal Flush


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Hey everyone!

I just got my 2nd Royal Flush! I'm so happy right now! 😄

This time was with 100 doge bet! That's $270 right now!

VIDEOPOKER: 6,729,548,911

placed by firenine on 29/06/2019


100.00000000 doge.svg




79900.00000000 doge.svg

I just held the Q♦️ in the initial hand and then I got the J♦️ K♦️ 10♦️ A♦️ So amazing!

Good luck everyone! 🍀

Thanks Stake!

Stake Royal Flsuh.png


Wow @firenine nice hit, and that's your second time, it sounds like video poker is your go to game for now on lol.

Howany hands roughly did it take you to hit that?

Did you play auto or manual?


I'm still trying to get my first one so maybe some of your luck will rub off on us lol


congratulations firenine! :D

i was online at the time you hitted this and i saw your reaction on chat. xD 

do you believe it now? :P 


road to #3 now? :D good luck!

4 hours ago, Babagucci said:

Howany hands roughly did it take you to hit that?

Did you play auto or manual?

I was playing limbo and as soon as I moved to video poker Boom! The first hand on manual was this Royal Flush 😅

Good luck! 🍀


Very nice hit!  I'm still looking for my first Royal Flush... I've hit everything else multiple times, but still no Royal.  I get 4 out of 5 often and still have not managed to get it when holding 4 and drawing 1 card.  To hit it holding 1 and drawing 4 is quite nice.  Guess I've been doing it wrong all along.


Very cool man!! I've been trying to get a royal flush for about a day and a half now. Mind telling me how long it took for you to hit one? I've not even hit a Straight Flush or a 4 Of A Kind


wow you are very lucky to get a royal hit with only 123 rolls, I once got a royal bonus when the telegram chalenge took place and even then with thousands of new rolls I could get it.


awesome hit! i did not get that hit so far but i am not hunting for it.

crazy that you hitted it for the second time, and with such a big winning amount! 

keep doing that mate 

18 hours ago, Enzo said:

Very cool man!! I've been trying to get a royal flush for about a day and a half now. Mind telling me how long it took for you to hit one? I've not even hit a Straight Flush or a 4 Of A Kind

The first hand on manual was this Royal Flush 😅

17 hours ago, cukup2 said:

wow you are very lucky to get a royal hit with only 123 rolls, I once got a royal bonus when the telegram chalenge took place and even then with thousands of new rolls I could get it.

I did 122 rolls at Limbo and switched to Video Poker and boom! Lucky nonce 123 🤑


Fire I actually got the joy of watching this happen live, I don't know if you remember but I responded and posted the bet ID before you even did in chat, and you were capslocked i think hahaha, nevertheless great job and a great hit man GG.


Congrats on that royal flush you hit there quite a big win on both the amount you won and the multiplier keep it up. Quite a lucky guy you are to get it twice i guess xD



Hey everyone!

I just got my 2nd Royal Flush! I'm so happy right now! 😄


Congratulations! I love Video Poker and I just began playing it, but still waiting for my first Royal Flush. I know it will come very soon... ;)


This time was with 100 doge bet! That's $270 right now!

Ok... this is absolutely amazing. Always love when those high multipliers bring nice money 


Holy sheeeeet fire !!!!!   Yahhhh.   Way to go. I can’t believe you have gotten one let alone two.   That is super awesome.    Much congrats to you for sure.   That is a great prize too.   Well deserved for such a great guy.  


Wow. You are undoubtedly a lucky dude. To catch such a multiplier with a good bet is a great success. I haven’t caught Royal flush yet. Well done. Keep it up.


Damn. I never scored one and I have played plenty of VP games. You are seriously lucky op even though you wagered a very small amount. Congratulations.


That is super awesome! And you had a good base bet going there. I have never hit a royal flush before, and I've played diamond poker a fair bit, so I would just suggest that you withdraw those winnings, since it doesn't come often.


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