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Strat of Dice - low risk!


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I am gonna be auditing a lot of these posts. If anyone has any misgivings about my post from earlier. That was specifically aimed at youtube videos with the claim "Ultimate Dice Strategy" and then they play on autobet... 
What I see here is consistent increase, but it doesn't really leave much room for building. The gains are much to low for my liking, but with a few tweeks, I could see some major potential for some serious earnings.

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Hi all, I'd like to correct your calculation bro, compared to your excel file ( it could help you I hope for your future strategies ;) ) :
- When you increase by 300% it's like multiplying by 4 and not 3 like your excel file,
- When you increase by 400% it is like multiplying by 5 and not 4
- When you increase by 600% it is like multiplying by 7 and not 6
- And finally when you increase by 1200% it's like multiplying by 13 not 12

So for @Aser here is the right table, if we follow @Tacitusz' strategy, you must start with 0.00000174 if you have 0.58ltc:



Have a good week, see ya! :)

Edited by magiKmaliK
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