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🔢Catch Them All🔢
Ends: 20/05/24 @ Midday (12pm) GMT

The Challenge

  • On the Stake Limbo game, win at least two unique multipliers, from the following list:

  • | 10x | 20x | 30x | 40x | 50x | 60x | 70x | 80x | 90x | 100x | 110x| 120x | 130x| 140x| 150x | 200x| 210x| 220x |230X | 240x| 250x | 300x | 350x | 400x | 500x | 600x | 700x | 800x | 900x | 1000x | 1500x | 2000x | 2500x | 3000x | 3500x | 4000x | 4500x | 5000x | 10000x |

  • To be eligible, you need to hit at least 2 different multipliers.

  • Extra reward: If 5000x is one of those unique multipliers you need to hit to be eligible, you will get an extra reward. More info bellow

  • 1 USD minimum bet amount (in any currency).

Additional Information (division)

  1.  Prizes will be determined by who hits the most of the unique given multipliers. The competitor with the most unique multipliers will take 1st place and so on.

  2. 2. In case of a tie, the user with a higher total multiplier amount will be given the advantage.

  3. 3. In case of a tie again, the user who posted/edited their entry first will have the advantage.

Tips & Terms & Conditions

  • You have to be one of the VIP members on our site (at least the Bronze VIP level).
  • Feel free to edit your posts if you get to bet with more cards during the week.
  • Bets must have been made after 13/05/2024 - (12 pm) UTC.
  • You must post your bet within 48 hours after you catch it.
  • The prizes will be paid to accounts on which the winning bet was made.
  • For payment, give us up to 72 hours from the end of the promotion.
  • Stake employees can not participate in official Stake.com forum challenges. This does not apply to moderators.
  • If you prefer to play with lower bets, you may also participate in our weekly challenge located here.
  • The VIP challenges are more focused towards players who are looking to try their luck with higher bets.
  • VIP challenge only involves Stake Original Games.

Prize Pool distribution

  • 1st place - $800
  • 2nd place - $500
  • 3rd place - $300
  • 4th place - $200
  • 5th place - $150
  • 6th to 10th place - $100
  • 11th to 20th place - $55
  • 21st place onward, eligible users will get a share in the $1500 prize pool

Additional prize (only for verified Stake accounts):

  • All verified accounts will get an extra reward and it will depend on the verification level: 
  1. For Level one - 10% extra on basic reward
  2. For Level two - 100% extra on basic reward
  • All unverified Stake accounts will receive the regular prize.

How to Enter

  1. Respond to this topic and just post the bet ID, please.
Posted (edited)

10x - casino:228418114961

20x - casino:228418323832

30x - casino:228418360655

40x - casino:228418395639

50x - casino:228418434276

60x - casino:228418476334

70x - casino:228418521851

80x - casino:228418585529

90x - casino:228418698814

100x - casino:228418753835

110x - casino:228418807865

120x - casino:228418954586

130x - casino:228419037733

140x - casino:228422843426

150x - casino:228422922250

200x - casino:228422978150

210x - casino:228423065378

220x - casino:228423290779

230x - casino:228423882433

240x - casino:228423951793

250x - casino:228423975273

300x - casino:228424068118

350x - casino:228424534631

400x - casino:228424621125

500x - casino:228424793944

600x - casino:228696805415

700x - casino:229571113934

800x - casino:229571318339

900x - casino:229573795694

Edited by ramziharam
Posted (edited)

10x |casino:228419924699

20x |casino:228421225513

30x |casino:228428834638

40x |casino:228420642849

50x |casino:228421966833

60x |casino:228429505259

70x | casino:228846517780

80x |casino:228424623038

 90x |

 100x |


120x |


140x| 150x | 200x| 210x| 220x |230X | 240x| 250x | 300x | 350x | 400x | 500x | 600x | 700x | 800x | 900x | 1000x | 1500x | 2000x | 2500x | 3000x | 3500x | 4000x | 4500x | 5000x | 10000x |

Edited by murozogod
Posted (edited)

10x casino:228420258251

20x casino:228420039497

30x casino:228420459710

40x casino:228548325490

50x casino:228548475909

60x casino:228548731393

70x house:228923437468

100x casino:228423641325

Edited by Gaudytuber
Posted (edited)

·         | 10x casino:228419280706

·         | 20x  casino:228418280118

·         | 30x casino:228418366864

·         | 40x casino:228418940506

·         | 50x casino:228419221861

·         | 60x casino:228424991632

·         | 70x casino:228425604522

·         | 80x casino:228427750224

·         | 90x casino:228426429108

·         | 100x casino:228419555943

·         | 110x|casino:228741541463

·          120x casino:228743473228

·          | 130xcasino:228751288366

·         | 140xcasino:228419958306

·         | 150x casino:228418504401

·          | 200xcasino:228419335639

·         | 210xcasino:228751819903

·         | 220x casino:228752256014


·          |230X casino:228753296875

·          | 240x|casino:229174400995

·          250x casino:228745091220

·          | 300xcasino:229174841356

·          | 350xcasino:229215662259

·          | 400x casino:229492825174

·          | 500x |casino:228425868164

·          600x |casino:229538902800

·          700x |casino:229539586021

·          800x

·         | 900x |

·          1000x |casino:228746498600

·          1500x | 2000x | 2500x | 3000x | 3500x | 4000x | 4500x | 5000x | 10000x |


Edited by luca1501
Posted (edited)

10x casino:228422290403

20x casino:228422419927

30x casino:228422541165

40x casino:228422624300

50x casino:228787780099

60x casino:228787999235

70x casino:228788295067

80x casino:228790394830

90x casino:228790593533

100x casino:228790977433

110x casino:228791125349

120x casino:228791260193

130x casino:228791934076

140x casino:228792668531

150x casino:228792867962

200x casino:228798366613

210x casino:228800316677

220x casino:228800818606

230x casino:228801173808

240x casino:228801516605

| 10x | 20x | 30x | 40x | 50x | 60x | 70x | 80x | 90x | 100x | 110x| 120x | 130x| 140x| 150x | 200x| 210x| 220x |230X | 240x| 250x | 300x | 350x | 400x | 500x | 600x | 700x | 800x | 900x | 1000x | 1500x | 2000x | 2500x | 3000x | 3500x | 4000x | 4500x | 5000x | 10000x |

Edited by sizzlinghotx
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