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Gruppetråd: Rainban/shadowban problemet i Norsk community

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Posted (edited)

Det virker som flere og flere blir rainbanned eller såkalt shadowban for tiden. I skrivende stund er vi vel rundt 10stk så vidt jeg vet. Jeg kommer til å skrive innlegget videre på engelsk i håp om at saken kan tas opp på høyere nivå og i det minste få et svar som vi fortjener, istedenfor å bare bli ignorert med standardsvar om at det ikke er en ting. 

Samtidig ønsker jeg at alle som også er rain/shadowban sier fra i dette innlegget så vi får en oversikt over hvor omfattende det er innad i det norske community. 


First of all, I'm writing this in English in hope of actually get a proper answer or explaination of the issue from anyone with insight or are higher up at Stake. However, I want to keep it in the Norwegian section of the forum as Norwegians are generally a group if highrollers and we deserve an explanation. 

Let's get the facts straight first. Rainban/Shadowban exist and it's been proven time after time in the Norwegian chat in several ways. (If you still deny it, I'm happy to provide alot of evidence.) It seemed to be implemented this summer and it works exactly like the codeban in the way it last for exactly 7 days. It also seems to often retrigger within 6-12 hours for another 7 days. As of the information I've gathered from other users, it seems like it's triggered by a mix of things, most commonly weekly/monthly profit, Moderators also seems to be whitelisted. 

I do understand the system wants to protect itself from abuse, but the way it triggers on us highrollers I genuinely think it hurts Stake more than it helps. The majority of people I've talked to  (Norwegian highrollers with plat3+ rank) who's affected have said they refuse to play/deposit on Stake while they're banned and most of them withdraws all their funds when it happens. 

I would assume the ban is designed to avoid rainfarmers who regularly don't deposit or play at Stake. The problem is, from my point of view, triggers the wrong playerbase and just creates a lot of frustration and ruining the community. 

The Norwegian chat has historically been one of the most rewarded with enhanced rains compared to other chatrooms. We suspect this is because our community consists largely of profitable high rollers. However, many of us feel unfairly excluded from these events due to rainbans. Currently, about 10-25% of the Norwegian community is shadowbanned, and many have said they're considering leaving Stake because of how unfair it seems. 

To get a better overview of the case, I ask anyone who's affected to reply to this topic with their username, rank and if they have any thoughts on this problem. 


Edited by Approximate

Username: GanXtah 

Plat 5 user.

Got codeban and shadowban for 7 days last week with 130k wagered. Got unbanned and wagered another 51k and got another codeban and shadowban for new 7 days within 12 hours after previous one. As long as I have these bans im not depositing and its very annoying. If this continues i wont be staying here, it takes all the fun out of Stake. 

Posted (edited)

Username: sigurdsun

Rank: plat 4

Ive had the rainban retrigged on me for 5 of the last 7 weeks. Overall I'm down $60.000 on Stake. 

I get the impression stake instantly punishes me if I make profit, even just a few hundred. This obviously gives me 2nd thoughts when depositing to stake. 

I've also deposited over $9000 during this period I've been rainbanned and I've got a profit of ~$500 past month 

So if you wanna keep me here I expect more transparency and atleast Stake to admit they do rainbans like they do with codeban. I hate to be lied at straight to my face. 




Edited by Approximate
Posted (edited)

Hi! i'am shadowbanned right now! 

Easy to spot in the mornings when we don't always have 10 active in chat and rain goes out to only 8 even tho there are more active players. 

Made depo this week but after I saw that I was banned I won't depo more right now because I have done nothing to deserv to be banned. 

Wholud also like to say about codeban that it's easy to know when that will hit. Almost every time you make a large withdrawal with good profit you will get banned. 


Plat 3

Edited by lofgren12

Usernamn: aaron59

platinum 3

This is the third time I get codebanned and rainbanned in the past month, the problem is that the process feels incredibly unfair and frustrating. It feels like we're punished the moment we win a little bit of all the losses we have on stake. feels also unfair that some people seem to avoid being codebanned and rainbanned entirely, while others get banned week after week. We request stake to be transparent about this bullshit, because it has taken all fun out of stake. Stake should be aware that people are very frustrated about this situation, people gonna gamble less or eventually leave stake. 


Username: moencolin

Plat 5

Got shadowbanned this tuesday. 

Never been codebanned (I claim very few codes, 95% of all codes I claim is during the Eddie stream).


Others here have had way worse "luck" with the bans than me, so I should not complain that much. I am overall very satisfied with Stake, but this shadowban from rain really makes it less fun. It's a cool thing and I hope Stake will find a way to punish the abusers and not the loyal customers :)


Username: Grossw

Plat IV

First of all, rain is just a extra bonus on my behalf, but being banned because Stake having "fun" at the expense of us, not OK. Beginning to be a habit of being rainbanned. It's so clear, when you know that you've wagered enough, and still being left out. Easiest is that someone clearly rains to 20 people, but the rainbot only rains to 19, then you know for sure.

Last time I lasted for about two days and during the stream on Saturday, I figured I got banned again, since the rain stopped. Have no idea why, because during the weekend, I was down bad and cannot have any profit what so ever. The codebans don't make any sense either. Have got the "update to your account" mail to many times, and the only codes I can be bother to claim, is the codes during the weekend stream. Having a clean and transparent explanation on this matter would be nice, cos it's not even fair anymore. Stake is losing it's once so good reputation because of this.

Posted (edited)

Username : Gzmy

Plat 2

Got codebanned + rainban for a week back in august, then the day after that disappeared I got another week. Things have been fine, I was up last month but down this month and then I get rainban + codeban first day when norweigan chat had "enhanced rains".

Then when that week was over I was able to recieve for 1 day until rain+codeban came again.


I rarely claim codes because the fact I get telegram notifications 10 seconds after on phone and ALWAYS fully claimed. And the fact Stake ain't transparent about the shadowbans and just play it off is absolute madness ngl.


Edit/Add - I made a post in support section when this happened the first time. First no reply in a week or two and them they deleted the post with no notification or answer as to why whatsoever.


It's kinda stupid they're still denying rainban/shadowban exists when it's so obvious.

Edited by Gzmy

I just got shadowbanned. Did deposits of 600 usd past day and then withdrawn 500 or something. 

Today 9 people respectively 8 people got rains but i did not. While i was active in chat also spinning slots at the same time. 

Plat 4 
username: Bredell


Username: Southgate55 

Plat 1 user


When these bans started in the summer, live support agents acknowledged their existence, but these days, they approach the issue with complete "denial" responses. A user's post in the thread I opened on the forum has been deleted, and aside from @Approximate, everyone else is blaming the issue on me. You can access the topic here:


The bans can be triggered whether you win a lot, win a little, or even when you withdraw money. Additionally, you can get codebanned even if you’ve claimed 4 codes during the week; it’s absurd that you can still get banned 3 days after claiming your last code. As you mentioned, some users are completely unaffected by these bans. From what I’ve seen, these users are older players who maintain a good relationship with the moderators. They particularly refuse to accept rain bans because they realize they’re also punishing quality and wagered players in the name of fairness. There’s a lot of data hidden and deleted on the forum and the site in this regard. The funny thing is, this situation seems to have led to the activation of many new accounts.

I can totally understand how my Norwegian friends feel "special." I believe this will be addressed if more discussions are shared about it. Best of luck and take care.







Posted (edited)

da ble man shadowbanned på nytt etter 6-7 timer xD

får bare claime resten av forumene neste uke og ta en break fra stake i noen uker ,ser om de faktisk fikser det tullet eller ikke.

Så vi snakkes om noen uker folkens! x)


"play smarter" var ordtaket demmes før, just not smarter than us xD 


btw forrige innlegget mitt ble sletta/skjult, i wonder why hahaha

Edited by VoisH
4 hours ago, VoisH said:

da ble man shadowbanned på nytt etter 6-7 timer xD

får bare claime resten av forumene neste uke og ta en break fra stake i noen uker ,ser om de faktisk fikser det tullet eller ikke.

Så vi snakkes om noen uker folkens! x)


"play smarter" var ordtaket demmes før, just not smarter than us xD 


btw forrige innlegget mitt ble sletta/skjult, i wonder why hahaha

Faen så trist.. min ban gikk ut for ca 18h siden nå, andre uken i rad så om de kommer en 3e uke så bli de break for meg også. Kodebanned til søndag også.

Du få ha en nice break og så håpas vi på at alt fikser seg til slutt. Eddie må ju ta opp det noen gang i stedet for at bare benekte at rainban er en grei.

1 hour ago, Gzmy said:

Faen så trist.. min ban gikk ut for ca 18h siden nå, andre uken i rad så om de kommer en 3e uke så bli de break for meg også. Kodebanned til søndag også.

Du få ha en nice break og så håpas vi på at alt fikser seg til slutt. Eddie må ju ta opp det noen gang i stedet for at bare benekte at rainban er en grei.

Er redd de anser rain bare som en type lossback nå. Med en gang man er i profitt får man ikke lengre. De som har vært mest aktive i chatten over lang tid har aldri fått lossback fra support feks. Rain telles jo som bonus.. 

Isåfall er dette en lost case. Det gjør det også ganske tragisk mtp at rain ofte sendes fra andre brukere som vil være snill når de vinner



I was not planning on contributing here, but I've had second thoughts.

Completely understandable for stake to try and shut down abuse, but this is very clearly not the right solution.

Why? All the abusers you put under exclusion creates new accounts. 

I dont have the solution for you, but giving the "good customers" the finger in the process of coping with a problem is clearly not a good one.

Ive been stringbanned both for rains and codes 7 consecutive weeks, with a few hours/days inbetween each ban. 

I withdraw regularly, I've been very lucky and profitted most of the weeks. 

Is this just a change to rains/codes being lossback? Please be transparent.


Skillmachinee - Plat 4


Just wanted to add that my rainban was finally over after 2 weeks on the night to friday (Nov 22 at 04:00) then earlier on saturday evening of Nov 23 after 20:00 I got rainbanned again for the 3rd consecutive week.

My second week of codeban expires 2 hours after Drake stream at 04:17 monday night and since I got rainbanned I will also get codebanned again missing next weeks weekly stream aswell.

I'm not even in profit this month and also down overall on stake.

This can't just be about lossback/bonus or that people should recieve about the same amount from rains/codes for it to be fair because there's some who's down tens of thousands and barely withdraw yet still get rainban and then some who's in profit and gets it.

But there's also quite a few who in profit almost every week, they claim all codes, they recieve rain and yet has never had a rainban/codeban so at this point it feels hella random and unfair.


If this is Stake's way of being fair to all players then idk what's up.

Strongly losing interest in losing money, getting punished for it and then being denied the right to know why, how and when. 



Posted (edited)

Username: truefox

plat 3 

I leveled up to p3 around a month ago and since that i have received mails about ban 4 weeks in a row now, i have lost a lot since then but i have cashed out small amounts every now and then just to cover some of it, idk what triggers it but really makes me not wanna deposit anything till its fixed.

Edited by Truefox

I think we should gather under a single topic and make our voices heard seriously. There are many players who aren't banned. While they may not have to explain why we were banned, they must acknowledge that we were banned. Whether it’s a loss or profit, many players are experiencing this issue, and I see a lot of alt accounts being created every day. If this is happening to many Norwegian players, who don't have financial concerns, then there is something else going on here.


Username: producerblud

Platinum III

Got my last rain on the 12th of November and i was code banned on the 13th.

I was in pretty good profit at that time so its understandable, but by the time the ban expired on the 20th i had already lost 90% of the profit, and throughout this i have been pretty active in chat, sometimes several hours at once.

4 days go by and i get another codeban (in the time between the bans i had only claimed a few codes.)

It does not make me want to deposit more when stuff like this happens when the budget is tight and the loss is high the last few days.


It was pretty easy to predict that after enhanced rain alot of rain bans would occur. I personally agree with most people here that taking "care" of a problem should´nt mean creating a new problem for the most loyal players. I understand we in Norwegian has recieved alot of rains due to the fact we are such a small community atm. But I doubt many of us are in profit. Most of us probably are min -$50000 at stake even with all bonuses/rains included.

There must be a way to sort out real winning players and not just win/loss compared to bonuses/rains recieved.

I mean I understand if a player has lets say $100 in profit a month with $3000 in bonuses/rains included. Thats fair enough as the customer then has $100d in total profit. But having stats like -$3000 and $3100 in bonuses/rains, that still means the player has lost $3000 of their own pocket and shouldnt be counted as in profit as stake do atm. 

I don´t have bans atm but had before and just wanted to give my take on things. ❤️



I thought were the only one experiencing this issue. But yes this rain ban exist before when I'm losing I keep getting rain most of the time. But after I get in profit for 3 consecutive weeks. I suddenly get ban from rain. I noticed it when only 6-8 people just receiving rain at night while I'm still active on the chat. Never received one. It's impossible that you are so unlucky that you can't get a rain for the full 7 days. Even once. While other user continuously getting it. This rain is just a features for all the players who actively play and lose on this Casino. If they will keep doing this I won't deposit my winnings again. 

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