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Best strategy on video poker


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Can anyone giving some advice and sharing on experience on game on video poker? I play a lot there and lost a lot and never win on that game, , so im looking forward afor some advice to overcome my negative on that game :(


really depends on how you play or would like to play.. if safe play is your thing, i would hold any pairs thats J and above for a sure win.. when no pairs keep a card that is J or higher for a chance in getting a pair.. it there are a few, i normally just choose 1.. for example Ace clubsand J dismond different suits and the other cards are lets say 5 spade 7diamond 3 heart.. i would keep the j and 7 since they are both diamonds hoping to either get a flush, straightor a pair of jacks atleast for a win... risking for a straight kinda meh.. but also an option on holding ace 3 5 hoping for a 4 and 6 which is a long shot.. or another ace for a winning pair.. more chances with the first option but if your guts says go for option two, do it., you really are the one that can decide which one to hold and what kind of hand you are hoping to hit..

good luck xD


  • 2 weeks later...

Hi! I as a video poker player in real casinos find that it is quite similar to real poker but on the other hand I also find that our chances of making good hands are extremely low even counting the luck factor supposedly we should make more three of a kind and hands like that but it seems so complicated I don't know! but I still love the fact that this poker is installed it changes diamond poker!!!! and like all stake games there is a way to do it just have to find it... if someone manages it I want him to meet me!!
good luck for the future to all!

On 3/30/2019 at 1:55 AM, 0treb69 said:

Can anyone giving some advice and sharing on experience on game on video poker? I play a lot there and lost a lot and never win on that game, , so im looking forward afor some advice to overcome my negative on that game :(

You must play with great caution,Do not bet randomly Try betting when you get good papers and good luck

6 minutes ago, jualid said:

I think there is no strategy on video poker :/. I usually just hold a pair and if no pair, i hold J,Q,K,A to get a push at least.

that's righ there no strategy i think... where there is a pair of cards I definitely hold and wait for 5 royal flush cards lol :D

On 3/30/2019 at 7:55 AM, 0treb69 said:

Can anyone giving some advice and sharing on experience on game on video poker? I play a lot there and lost a lot and never win on that game, , so im looking forward afor some advice to overcome my negative on that game :(

I have no idea about strategy in video poker.Do you really understand poker? Because like it there is no specific strategy for this one game. You only need to hold a good card. The rest is just luck. 

Because here you don't need to bully other players like the original poker game

41 minutes ago, jualid said:

I think there is no strategy on video poker :/. I usually just hold a pair and if no pair, i hold J,Q,K,A to get a push at least.

Well yeah the same as I play, hold pair if there's no pair hold high card if there's a chance to flush hold 3 card to flush I hold it, that's it all >.<

9 minutes ago, AlvinFahriza said:

Well yeah the same as I play, hold pair if there's no pair hold high card if there's a chance to flush hold 3 card to flush I hold it, that's it all >.<


yes it is true for card security and can bet on the next card. I suggest, don't bet that high risk will lose balance :D


Since you start with a random deck of cards each time, it is kind of like pulling a slot machine. You never know and you can't predict what you'll get. The best advice I have is to manage your bank roll accordingly.


Well there could be a lot of strategies but strategies are only made for balances not for playing a single bet in a single game. In video porker i don't think there is a good strategy yet. 

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

This game is the one I like the most, and I have change my strategy many times.  I guess that, best to do is really keep your greed away and always take a break when going down, even up.  For some reason I usually get No. 2 cards pairs to defend my bets, and I hate that.  Good luck.


IT really depends.

Are you looking for a certain multiplier or specific cards?


Are you looking for best chances of profit?

If you say the first one, then keep on clicking related cards. ie. if you're looking for royal flush, no matter how close you are to straight flush or simple flush, or even just two pairs, you're gonna have to sacrifice those.

If for the latter, just follow the suggestions or simply use auto bet since it automatically picks the one with higher chances of winning. 

I hope I helped you :) 


this may be a hard strategy, but if you try to 1.5x your bet every time you lose or draw... it may be a good way to come up fast... but you must only bet 1% of your entire bankroll.. cause it can get out fo hand very fast


Dont put bet first , observe the cards that come out , thats what i do, i start small bet until x2 if lose , then start small again until i feel that the deck is going to be good , It really depends though the decks are random , usually you hold highest card , pairs , or any card for combinations . It depends really on luck bro and how you want to play the game


Here is strategy that can  probably help out..make sure ur bankroll should be 200k.. base bet around 20k.. that is ten rolls.. the chances in getting a good profit around 45 to 50. percent.. within those 10 rolls you most like get  a trips or 2 pairs. those a common payout.. double or triple your base bet. unless you wanna stay safe bet 5k../ the chances in getting a higher payout will come. flushes and full house within 20 rolls.. straight 4 of a kind SF and RF.. is harder to get to get then a reg flush.. full house has more odds in getting then a reg straight sounds weird bit playing vp for awhile now in my experience the times i played

14 minutes ago, polor12 said:

Here is strategy that can  probably help out..make sure ur bankroll should be 200k.. base bet around 20k.. that is ten rolls.. the chances in getting a good profit around 45 to 50. percent.. within those 10 rolls you most like get  a trips or 2 pairs. those a common payout.. double or triple your base bet. unless you wanna stay safe bet 5k../ the chances in getting a higher payout will come. flushes and full house within 20 rolls.. straight 4 of a kind SF and RF.. is harder to get to get then a reg flush.. full house has more odds in getting then a reg straight sounds weird bit playing vp for awhile now in my experience the times i played

Woah that is a straight road to busting even for the lucky.

Seriously, unless you have top tier luck most of the time you’re just going to bust with this strategy. 

With VP if you start off trailing it’s going to be hard to catch up if you don’t hit your 5 card combinations > 4oak, Full House, Flush, Straights. 

The whole idea is to play for an extended period with the right card selection strategies and be able to maintain your base bet until you hit the Royal. 

Difficult as hell... I am about 40k rolls without seeing a Royal yet. 😓


personally i just try and keep most pair cards and carry on dealing even if it is only a 1x multipler you still have the potential for a royal flush etc, goodluck ,happy betting all :):)


Well, I dont really think that there could be a strategy for VidePoker, I mean, it's random, totally, you might get huge loss streaks while there are both 1.00 and 0.00 multipliers. It's pretty hard to get a multiplier more than 22x within 50 bets and thats actually bad for autobetting.

  • 1 month later...

im looking forward afor some advice to overcome my negative on that game

I think Video Poker is one of the easiest game on stake. It is hard to bust but at the same time it is hard to win. It always keeps me at the same balance after some time I come back to the balance I started with. I think the solution would be to change the bet amount much more often than on other games.

On 3/29/2019 at 7:55 PM, 0treb69 said:

Can anyone giving some advice and sharing on experience on game on video poker? I play a lot there and lost a lot and never win on that game, , so im looking forward afor some advice to overcome my negative on that game :(

I am not really too much into video poker but I bet you could find some good videos or strategies via google.   Sorry I couldn’t be more help but I don’t seem to have much luck with the game either.   Best of luck to you finding what works best for you. 


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